England Deaths by Vaccination Status
Whichever way you cut it, it's not good for the vaccinated (unless you're the ONS of course).
So, the ONS finally released the latest Deaths by vaccination status, England. Conspicuously, they said very little about it in the bulletin except headlining the useless information that those with recent boosters had lower COVID mortality than most other cohorts.
Sarah Caul added her commentary that was equally vacuous and also myopically focused on COVID age-standardised mortality rates (ASMR) even though the non-COVID ASMRs were consistently higher for the unvaccinated indicating that their dataset still needs a lot of cleaning up to remove whatever biases1 are responsible for that:
Notwithstanding those biases, here is how the raw data looks.
For all age cohorts, COVID mortality does indeed look unfavourable for the unvaccinated, even against the ever vaccinated altogether. During periods of heightened COVID mortality, COVID disproportionally accounts for more unvaccinated deaths than vaccinated.
If I were to speculate here, given the apparent anomaly in non-COVID ASMR, I would suggest that the most likely hypothesis here is the “healthy vaccinee” one.
An alternative might be the Marek one, whereby the vaccinated are responsible for immune-escape variants that they are protected from but the unvaccinated are not.
Anyway, looking at the more important metric of all-cause mortality, the one that the ONS conspicuously ignores, the picture is somewhat different.
If the vaccine is protecting the vaccinated from a COVID death, it is causing them to die at a higher rate from all causes than we would expect given the rates of vaccinated population.
The astute reader will immediately say that this is not possible because I have just admitted that the ONS show higher non-COVID ASMRs for the unvaccinated. If the unvaccinated are also dying more from COVID then surely they must be dying more over all from all causes??
Well, I know my colleagues are picking through the anomalies in the ONS bulletin and will report on that in due course but there’s a clue in their population numbers which are way lower than other public sources.
I have to rush out to do the school run so I’ll just leave you with the data from the ONS bulletin for deaths by vaccination status and the UK Government Coronavirus Dashboard for the vaccinated population rates2.
So, the only time that the vaccinated population death rate is lower than the vaccinated population rate is before anyone is “fully protected”, which would, indeed indicate support for the “healthy vaccinee” hypothesis. Conversely, the younger age groups have higher death rates in the early months of 2021 which might be indicative of the “unhealthy vaccinee” hypothesis3.
Consistently, though, we see elevated mortality rates for the vaccinated since the start of 2022 when COVID represents less than 10% of deaths but the vaccinated disproportionally more of all deaths.
There’s still time to get off this train if you haven’t already!
Note, as always, what this data does not show is something that was necessary, safe and effective, that’s for sure.

H/T to Dr Clare Craig for this one… She asked me to look at COVID and non-COVID deaths for the young.
So sad.
Not being a virologist, etc. but given all the research I’ve done on this product, I’d say there is clear evidence here of everything that has been suggested by the scientists -
immunosuppression in the first few weeks after the first dose causing excess death in the vaccinated;
followed by 6 months of “protection“;
followed by ADE and or VAED;
against a perpetual background of elevated non-COVID mortality due to vaccine adverse events.
So far, I have seen reports of undercounting the population (and therefore the unvaccinated population) and attribution of deaths to the unvaccinated if the person record cannot be located in NIMS as two significant factors that would contribute to this.
Since people do not just die at the end of the month, I have created a range for the vaccinated population, spanning the rate at the start of the month and the rate at the end. If the vaccine was safe but ineffective, the proportional vaccinated mortality rate would lie somewhere in the range, subject to any confounding factors. The population numbers provided in this public data source are described as those on the “vaccine register”.
Or, if you want to go for the less benign explanation, it could be indicative of direct fatal vaccine adverse event.
With this level of lies the democracy does not make any sense. Governments are people's worst enemies.
My chinese in laws keep wondering if the shots are so deadly why are they not dead yet after taking 5. Meanwhile my wife had growths in her breasts months after taking the J&J shot. My neighbor in her late 60's just collapsed dead after passing her doctor check up the day before. She had the shots. My dad and brother are both having immune system reactions to the shot but I am ok after passing on every shot. Strange times....